Sunday, July 8, 2018

July 8

Okay, now that we've moved, let's take stock of my goal list from Jan 1st

  1. Purge stuff before the move - (aka - look like I’m moving into a tiny house. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, hall closet, pantry, outdoor closets - 8 “rooms” to clear)
  2. Digitize all photos
  3. Streamline all on-line digital storage (google pictures, one drive, icloud, flickr, photobucket)
  4. Doctor’s appointment - snoring, blood sugar, IUD removal
  5. Eye exam (April?)
  6. Vehicle inspection (due in Feb)
  7. Get rid of china Lenox - Margaret pattern - meh, it can stay.

June -Dec 

  1. Get a job quickly in Norman working for the Feds!  Yay!
  • Update resume
  • Update linkedin and other sites
  • Get proof of Cherokee citizenship
  • Finish CBLs and renew certification    
  1. Find a church home in Norman
  2. Combine Metlife and Merril Lynch accounts

All Year

  1. Have either the car or student loans paid off by the end of the year (extra $475 a month on car, extra $767 a month on student loans PLUS regular automatic payment) hahahahahahaha
  2. Lose 30 pounds hahahahahaha
  3. Have Nathan finish his Eagle
  4. Read through the bible in one year two weeks behind....
  5. Yoga or tai chi (aka work on flexibility)
  6. curb my foul mouth (not sure I can curb my sarcastic ways, but at least I can avoid swearing).
To do list this week.
  • Catch up on Bible reading
  • Nag Eric into making Nathan's ortho appt
  • hang more pictures
  • figure out retirement funds
  • buy some new shoes
  • check on Turbo's shots
  • empty out box in living room
  • nag eric into getting car tagged
  • walk 3 times this week after work
  • organize shelves

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Friday, March 16, 2018


This has been a fairly non productive week.  It's spring week.  I envisioned it pretty much just being me and the kid all week.  Alas, that did not happen.  It's hard managing expectations in a marriage sometimes.

Still find myself googling buzzwords that I hope will help me define goals and provide motivation -


so far, I feel like these are 'calling' to me, but nothing quite fits.  I spend more time googling terms and reading blog entries than actually changing my life.

Friday, March 9, 2018

M9 - reset

I haven't updated in a month.  I'm not surprised.  I'd think about it occasionally, but journaling/blogging takes quiet moments of reflection, and I had none of that in February.

Eric had a hammertoe removed, so he was home on 30 days of convalescence leave.  I'm sure if it had been a hand, or shoulder or some other body part, he could have managed going for walks or driving himself somewhere.  But it wasn't and he couldn't and so we were stuck with each other.  He'd either get his clock totally turned around and be up all night and sleep all day (usually in the living room with the tv going whenever I wanted it) or he'd be almost manic awake and not leaving me alone except to go to the bathroom or go to work.  And when I come home from working at Walmart I don't want to talk to anyone.  I just want quiet to decompress.  And that's not how he rolls when he's in the mood to talk.  If I'm actually watching something on tv, he doesn't care that I want to pay attention to the plot, he talks anyway.  Thank goodness for the pause button.  Sometimes he gets the hint, sometimes he doesn't.

We didn't fight, but I was really at the end of my rope.

Anywhoo - he's been going to work for the past week.  Still not as many hours gone as I'd like, but my attitude has definitely improved.

But now I feel like I've wasted a whole month.  Again, I've realized that I HAVE to review my goals at least weekly to feel like I'm on top of things and make adjustments.  And I have failed miserably at that the past month.

We leave here in basically 3 months.  I haven't accomplished half of what I wanted to by this point. 

Goals as I set them in January.....

  1. Purge stuff before the move - (aka - look like I’m moving into a tiny house. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, hall closet, pantry, outdoor closets - 8 “rooms” to clear)  About 3 garbage bags full.
  2. Digitize all photos - nope
  3. Streamline all on-line digital storage (google pictures, one drive, icloud, flickr, photobucket)  Ok, yes, I've done this one.
  4. Doctor’s appointment - snoring, blood sugar, IUD removal - nope
  5. Eye exam (April?) - nope.  And with tax bill, might have to wait until I get a job in Norman.
  6. Vehicle inspection (due in Feb) - yes
  7. Get rid of china Lenox - Margaret pattern - nope

June -Dec 

  1. Get a job quickly in Norman
  • Update resume
  • Update linkedin and other sites
  • Get proof of Cherokee citizenship - yes
  • Finish CBLs and renew certification - only have 5 hours left to do.  Can't re-certify until July.
  1. Find a church home in Norman
  2. Combine Metlife and Merril Lynch accounts

All Year

  1. Have either the car or student loans paid off by the end of the year (extra $475 a month on car, extra $767 a month on student loans PLUS regular automatic payment) - nope
  2. Lose 30 pounds - nope
  3. Have Nathan finish his Eagle - nope
  4. Read through the bible in one year - surprisingly, yes, I'm still doing this
  5. Yoga or tai chi (aka work on flexibility) - nope
  6. curb my foul mouth (not sure I can curb my sarcastic ways, but at least I can avoid swearing).
Sat down to do the taxes.  Walmart did me dirty and didn't take out enough federal taxes, so we owe $5,559.  I could pay about $2000 outright and either put the rest on payment plan through the IRS, or put it on the credit card and pay off at my leisure.  Probably the smart thing to do is automatic deduction payment schedule, but I worry about committing to payment plans when I don't know how long it will be before I get a job in Norman/OKC.  We have until April 17 to file, but I'd like us to make a plan and commit to it in the next week.

Next week is spring break.  At least we'll get Nathan's room purged during that time.  Hopefully I can knock out some purging of my own that week.  (I love not having to get up with an alarm clock).  We have also got to work on his family life merit badge.  ugh.

Been spending time today also thinking about politics and progressiveness and religion.  I was raised a southern baptist republican.  And until I worked at Catholic Charities and learned about Catholic social teaching, I started caring more about social justice issues.  And now the GOP just doesn't do it for me.  I yearn for a more progressive and inclusive society where everyone's voice is heard.  Many of the poor are that way due to systemic racial and misogynistic injustices.  But to hear the GOP and white evangelicals talk about it, the poor are just lazy or made bad choices and that's their own fucking fault and good luck getting yourself out of it, because I'm not going to help you.  I don't want to live like that.  I despise the fact that privileged white men are in control of congress and most of government, and they don't have an ounce of compassion in them and they refuse to even try to see the other person's point of view.  

I don't think capitalism is the end all, be all.  Yes, I'd like to keep all the money I make, but I also want to make sure that every kid in America has food and a decent education.  Those kids are going to be my doctors and nursing home worker some day.  I'm ok with spending my money on that.  Eric will whine about regulations being bad and always brings up some hypothetical small business owner that he hears about on Fox radio and how regulation will take all his money and leave nothing for his kids to inherit.  First of all, you're not a small business owner yourself, so why is a hypothetical businessman more important than anyone else?  Regulations are not bad.  They're there for a reason, like safety or environmental protections, but fuck if I mention that.  

My mother will say that America started to decline once they took prayer out of school.  I don't know - maybe there's a point.  But white evangelicals and the GOP who act like the Bible was written as if Americans are the chosen people really get on my nerves.  But I see myself having knee-jerk oppositional reactions to whatever they say.  Today I'm sort of questioning whether my righteous indignation of their shit is actually faith based, or is the devil trying to rile me up and sow discord.  I'm trying to remind myself that even Trump could have a Road to Damascus moment.  (I mean - I can say that it could happen.  Doesn't mean I believe it will.)  But I suppose I have to be willing to think all things are possible with God, so maybe I need to just quit spending so much time on twitter and watching MSNBC and just focus on the people around me and try to walk in love.

Anyway - goals for next week (spring break)
  • purge Nathan's room
  • make doctor's appointment
  • get rid of china
  • figure out the family life merit badge
  • consolidate all photos

(I do feel better for having emotionally vomited all over my keyboard just now).

Saturday, February 3, 2018


It's been a busy week.  Nathan's been in rehearsals every day and Eric had his foot surgery.  The cat is confused by chairs being put in different places so he can elevate his foot where ever he's sitting.  And by the crutches and the cane. 

We have 4 months and 2 weeks before Eric's final out.  I'm freaking a little.  I've thrown out about a trashbag full of stuff and donated a trashbag full of clothes, but I need to get going on this purging project a little more.

Ok, so to-do list for this week....
1.  Call CYS for Summer
2.  type up agenda for FRG meeting on Thursday
3.  Make up gift baskets for door prizes
4.  Email the two new spouses
5.  Rinse off soda cans and return them to bandhall, along with tubs to organize FRG stuff
6.  Pull all old electronics out of closet and prep them for disposal (wipe memories)
7.  Find copy of "Ready Player One" to read for book club

I think that's enough for 1 week.  Especially since I work day shifts this week.

I survived my Whole 30 challenge.  Not much of a challenge actually since I didn't fully commit.  And once I decided that I wasn't going to cut out the beans and rice at the beginning of it, then it was easy to start adding in bread, pizza, pasta and desserts.  The only thing I really managed to avoid for the whole 30 days was alcohol.  I started out at 233.  I ended up at 227.  So not nearly the drastic impact as the first time.  But again, this is without really exercising at all.  I basically just lost the weight that I had gained back between August when I did it the last time and January.  This tells me that this is my base weight and it's not going to really change without exercise.  BMI index still says I'm obese, and that I have to get down to 195 minimum to be in the 'healthy' range.  So that 30 pound weight loss goal is about right.  But even so, I went up stairs at the hospital Thursday and never felt like I was going to have a heart attack right then, and was barely winded, so I'm still proud of the weight loss I've done. 

Monday, January 29, 2018


I've discovered if I don't review my goals often, I lose focus.  (Hence the lack of updating last weekend.)

  1. Purge stuff before the move - (aka - look like I’m moving into a tiny house. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, hall closet, pantry, outdoor closets - 8 “rooms” to clear)
  2. Digitize all photos
  3. Streamline all on-line digital storage (google pictures, one drive, icloud, flickr, photobucket)
  4. Doctor’s appointment - snoring, blood sugar, IUD removal
  5. Eye exam (April?)
  6. Vehicle inspection (due in Feb)
  7. Get rid of china Lenox - Margaret pattern

June -Dec 

  1. Get a job quickly in Norman
  • Update resume
  • Update linkedin and other sites
  • Get proof of Cherokee citizenship
  • Finish CBLs and renew certification
  1. Find a church home in Norman
  2. Combine Metlife and Merril Lynch accounts

All Year

  1. Have either the car or student loans paid off by the end of the year (extra $475 a month on car, extra $767 a month on student loans PLUS regular automatic payment)
  2. Lose 30 pounds
  3. Have Nathan finish his Eagle
  4. Read through the bible in one year
  5. Yoga or tai chi (aka work on flexibility)
  6. curb my foul mouth (not sure I can curb my sarcastic ways, but at least I can avoid swearing).

So not as much concrete progress.  I've thrown out maybe a trashbag's worth of stuff, and have another for give away.  So much of what I want to do, I feel like I need to be alone in the house so I'm not having to work around someone else's needs/wants.  Unfortunately, that just really hasn't worked out.  And with Eric's surgery on Thursday and his 30 days at home recovery, it's just not looking good.  I'm going to have to re-assess my expectations.

Still keeping up with the bible reading.  Almost to the end of the Whole30 challenge.  I will admit that I'm looking forward to a glass of wine when it's over.  I've realized over the past year that I treat desserts and alcohol as a reward - "I've had a tough day at work, and I've earned this drink."  That's a thought process that can lead to ruin.  I know that if I had alcohol in the house, I'll drink it.  If I decide I'm not buying any that day, I'm ok anyway.  

Managed one day of yoga last week.  Felt really, really good.  Going to have to just demand the tv in the living room so I can do it more regularly.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

J14 - check in

It's been two weeks.  Let's see what progress I've made towards the goals....


  1. Purge stuff before the move - (aka - look like I’m moving into a tiny house. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, hall closet, pantry, outdoor closets - 8 “rooms” to clear) nothing
  2. Digitize all photos
  3. Streamline all on-line digital storage (google pictures, one drive, icloud, flickr, photobucket) - organized the photos on my laptop and external drive
  4. Doctor’s appointment - snoring, blood sugar, IUD removal
  5. Eye exam (April?)
  6. Vehicle inspection (due in Feb) - got the oil change and inspection done.  now just need to pay state fee
  7. Get rid of china Lenox - Margaret pattern

June -Dec 

  1. Get a job quickly in Norman
  • Update resume - downloaded PhT job description from to use in resume
  • Update linkedin and other sites
  • Get proof of Cherokee citizenship
  • Finish CEs and renew certification - completed 1 CE
  1. Find a church home in Norman
  2. Combine Metlife and Merril Lynch accounts

All Year

  1. Have either the car or student loans paid off by the end of the year (extra $475 a month on car, extra $767 a month on student loans PLUS regular automatic payment)
  2. Lose 30 pounds - lost about 7 pounds so far.  Ate a slice of pizza today and pasta yesterday, so this weekend has been bad.  Still haven't had alcohol or sweets, so we'll keep with that.
  3. Have Nathan finish his Eagle
  4. Read through the bible in one year - every day so far
  5. Yoga or tai chi (aka work on flexibility) - did 2 new yoga routines on Monday and Tuesday.  BAD knot in my shoulder on Wednesday.  Had to use heating pads.  Maybe just stick with the workouts I'm used to until I build up a routine
  6. curb my foul mouth (not sure I can curb my sarcastic ways, but at least I can avoid swearing).
So measurable goals for this week
  1. complete 1 CE
  2. take out china pattern and inventory what I have.  Submit bid to
  3. contact campsite location for scouts
  4. contact 1CD Soldier Readiness Center
  5. update FRG calendars
  6. review all documents in 1CD Band google drive, finish holiday party AAR
  7. mail off mom's shirt and quilt
  8. now that all the digital photos are in one spot, delete multiples and organize.
Read JR Ward's latest this week - Blood Fury.  Saxton got a great storyline.  I mostly liked it, but good Lord when will her editors reign in her use of metaphors?????  It's more distracting than descriptive at this point.  And why on earth does she have to use the word 'resplendent' in EVERY book?  At least it was just once this time.  I think it was 7 in The Chosen.  It's just freakin silly how often she uses it.  When was the last time you read the word 'resplendent' in anything?  I'm nostalgic for the fandom and my love of the books from the beginning from the beginning of the series, but I'm disappointed in the latest ones.  I don't think she's changed, so much as I have.  Oh well.  That happens sometimes.

I finally discovered how to add tasks to my google calendar, to help with these goals. For some reason they're not showing up today.  So bummed.  I need to see these in calendar format to keep me focused.  Probably some setting I accidentally changed.  Grrrr.

I told myself not to start quilting again until at least February.  I feel like I need to concentrate on the other stuff.  .....but, I was REALLY looking at quilt patterns last night.  The urge was upon me.

Had my 6th month dental cleaning.  They took my blood pressure - 107 over 69!  Woot!  That shows I'm getting older - I felt like posting it on FB to brag about how awesome it was.  lol.  I think it was up in the 130s over 90s back in 2009 during the deployment.  So I'm stoked how good it is.  Loosing 30 pounds makes a difference.  Imagine that......